The first air-to-ground missions ever flown by US Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jets - Aviation Wings The first air-to-ground missions ever flown by US Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jets - Aviation Wings

The first air-to-ground missions ever flown by US Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jets

‘The F-14s dropped while the F/A-18s lased. We egressed the target area having achieved absolutely superb results from direct hits, and there were impressive secondary explosions,’ Bob Brauer, F-14A Tomcat pilot and VF-41 CO

The United Nations established a no-fly zone over Bosnia and Herzegovina in response to the ensuing 1992 air conflict between the Croat Air Force, the Bosnian Muslim Air Force, and the self-proclaimed Serbian Krajina in Croatia. NATO started Operation Deliberate Force against the Serbian forces on August 30, 1995, marking the culmination of the subsequent military operations known as Operation Deny Flight.

According to Bojan Dimitrijević’s book Operation Deliberate Force: Air War Over Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995, the US Navy unit VF-41 Black Aces, which was outfitted with 20-year-old Grumman F-14A Tomcat interceptors that had been modified to use precision-guided munitions, was among the advanced assets deployed by NATO during Operation Deliberate Force. When this unit was instructed to reroute to the Adriatic Sea, it was actually en route back to the United States on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), which was nearing the end of its six-month deployment in the Persian Gulf.

An F-14 “Tomcat” assigned to the “Black Aces” of Fighter Squadron Four One (VF-41) makes its final approach, during an arrested landing aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71).

As part of the Deliberate Force, the carrier planned and carried out operations after it was on station, although inclement weather forced the cancellation of the majority of its airstrikes.

On September 5, 1995, however, two F-14As each carrying one AIM-7M Sparrow, two AIM-9M Sidewinders, one AIM-54C Phoenix air-to-air missile, and two GBU-16 454kg (1,000lbs) laser-guided bombs entered Bosnian airspace with the assistance of two F/A-18Cs, which were to designate their target. Commander Bob Brauer, the commanding officer of VF-41, remembered the first air-to-ground sortie that US Navy Tomcats had ever conducted:

‘On the day of the first strike, the weather was a big factor, and it continued to be a factor into the winter months. As we launched off the ship and headed in over the coast, it didn’t look like the strike was going to go ahead because of an undercast. But, about ten miles out from the target the weather cleared, and we could see the target well out. We rolled in at a very steep angle, from a high altitude, against some ammunition facilities. The F-14s dropped while the F/A-18s lased. We egressed the target area having achieved absolutely superb results from direct hits, and there were impressive secondary explosions.’

During an additional mission, a few of the squadron’s junior pilots dropped Mk.82 “dumb” bombs, reportedly also with excellent results. F-14As of VF-41 dropped 10,886 kg (24,000 lbs) of ordnance on targets in Bosnia and Herzegovina between September 5 and September 12, 1995.

About a week later, USS America (CV-66) took the place of USS Theodore Roosevelt. Over the next few days, the air wing of the latter carrier, CVW-1, saw a lot of action. However, while its F/A-18Cs were using more LGBs and even SLAM-ER guided missiles, the F-14Bs of the squadron VF-102 were not involved in any airstrikes; instead, they flew CAN, forward air control missions and reconnaissance with TARPS pods.

Operation Deliberate Force, Air War Over Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995 is published by Helion & Company and is available to order here.

Photo by Commander Brian G. Gawne / U.S. Navy

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