The 2017 CF-18 "Demonstration" Hornet by Royal Canadian Air Force - Aviation Wings The 2017 CF-18 "Demonstration" Hornet by Royal Canadian Air Force - Aviation Wings

The 2017 CF-18 “Demonstration” Hornet by Royal Canadian Air Force

2017 CF 18 Demo Hornet

The Canada 150 logo is painted in red and white on the entire surface of the 2017 Canadian Forces CF-18 Demo Team

The CF-18 Demo Team of the Canadian Armed Forces debuted the impressive 2017 demo jet on April 4, 2017, after great anticipation.

The unveiling event took place at 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alberta, where the aircraft has been housed for the past few weeks, according to a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) news release. Along with local officials and military personnel, Captain Matthew Kutryk, the 2017 Demonstration Pilot, attended. Also present were the technicians and support staff for the 2017 Demonstration Team.

Everyone there got the chance to witness the 2017 paint scheme for the first time at the reveal has the aircraft completely painted with a red and white pattern that incorporates the Canada 150 logo.

A collection of diamonds, or “celebratory gems,” grouped in the form of the recognizable maple leaf make up the logo. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia are the four original provinces that made up Confederation in 1867, and they are represented by the four diamonds at the base of the flag. From the base, more diamonds protrude to add nine additional points. They stand in for Canada’s 13 provinces and territories together. The years of Confederation are depicted on the left wing, with 1867 serving as the founding year and 2017 serving as the 150th anniversary year. The official name of the event, “Canada 150,” is carried by the right wing. The design as a whole creates a genuine one-of-a-kind and appropriate tribute to this significant year in Canada’s history.

Thanks to a collaborative effort between 3 Wing and 4 Wing, which provided hangar space and support during the painting, the 2017 Demonstration jet was painted. 3 Wing donated the jet and technicians to realize the design concept.

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces supported the Government of Canada in commemorating Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation by taking part in several events across the nation during the air show season.

The 3 Wing Bagotville paint crew (left to right) Corporal(Cpl) Jérome St-Jacques, Cpl Matthew Chiasson, Master Corporal (MCpl) Claude Houde (paint crew commander), Cpl Luc Chiquette, and Cpl Étienne Jean, pose for a group shot during in front of the 2017 Demo Jet CF188734 from 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron, at 4 Wing, Cold Lake, Alberta.

Photo by Royal Canadian Air Force

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