James Howard, the P-51 Mustang pilot who fought alone for 30 minutes against Luftwaffe fighters - Aviation Wings James Howard, the P-51 Mustang pilot who fought alone for 30 minutes against Luftwaffe fighters - Aviation Wings

James Howard, the P-51 Mustang pilot who fought alone for 30 minutes against Luftwaffe fighters

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As he flew above the target area for 30 minutes, Howard attacked the enemy, shooting down three and damaging a fourth to become the first fighter ace for the Merlin Mustang and the 354th FG

The 401st Bomb Group (BG) B-17Gs were bombing the Me 110 fighter plants in Germany’s Oschersleben and Halberstadt on January 11, 1944. The unit’s bombers had a difficult day because even though it was their 14th mission, it was the first one on which they suffered significant losses. Four aircraft were reported missing in combat after bombing their target.

Turning back home, they saw an astounding sight, according to Air Force Magazine: a single P-51 stayed with them for an incredible 30 minutes on egress, chasing off German fighters trying to hack away at the bombers. Maj. Allison C. Brooks, the 401st’s task group leader, described the situation as a “one-man Air Force.”

“Who was that Mustang pilot who took on the German Air Force single-handedly, and saved our 401st Bomb Group from disaster?” wondered Col. Harold Bowman, the unit’s commander. Soon the B-17 crews knew—and so did those back home. “Maj. James H. Howard was identified today as the lone United States fighter pilot who for more than 30 minutes fought off about 30 German fighters trying to attack Eighth Air Force B-17 formations returning from Oschersleben and Halberstadt in Germany,” reported the New York Times on Jan. 19, 1944.

James Howard, a future general in the USAF, started his career as a pilot while serving with the American Volunteer Group (AVG), where he developed his leadership and fighter piloting abilities. Howard joined the USAAF after the AVG disbanded and transferred to the 354th Fighter Group (FG) when it was activated, according to James William “Bill” Marshall and Lowell F. Ford in their book P-51B Mustang North American’s bastard stepchild that saved the Eight Air Force.

He directed the 356th Fighter Squadron (FS) in an assault on German fighters swarming around the 401st BG during the Oschersleben raid on January 11, 1944.

Lieutenant-Colonel James H Howard of the 354th Fighter Group in his P-51 Mustang in April 1944.

Howard was confident in his P-51B’s ability to hold its own against a horde of German fighters, despite quickly becoming isolated from his wingman and the rest of his squadron (more than 40 were reportedly seen in the area). He took part in a 30-minute fight above the target area, downing three and damaging a fourth to become the first fighter ace for the Merlin Mustang and the 354th FG.

For his achievements, Howard was also the only fighter pilot in the European Theater of World War II to receive the Medal of Honor.

The citation read: ‘For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy near Oschersleben, Germany, on 11 January 1944. On that day Col. Howard was the leader of a group of P-51 aircraft providing support for a heavy bomber formation on a long-range mission deep in enemy territory. As Col. Howard’s group met the bombers in the target area the bomber force was attacked by numerous enemy fighters. Col. Howard, with his group, at once engaged the enemy and himself destroyed a German ME. 110. As a result of this attack Col. Howard lost contact with his group, and at once returned to the level of the bomber formation. He then saw that the bombers were being heavily attacked by enemy airplanes and that no other friendly fighters were at hand. While Col. Howard could have waited to attempt to assemble his group before engaging the enemy, he chose instead to attack single-handed a formation of more than 30 German airplanes. With utter disregard for his own safety, he immediately pressed home-determined attacks for some 30 minutes, during which time he destroyed 3 enemy airplanes and probably destroyed and damaged others. Toward the end of this engagement, 3 of his guns went out of action and his fuel supply was becoming dangerously low. Despite these handicaps and the almost insuperable odds against him, Col. Howard continued his aggressive action in an attempt to protect the bombers from the numerous fighters. His skill, courage, and intrepidity on this occasion set an example of heroism which will be an inspiration to the U.S. Armed Forces.’

P-51B Mustang North American’s bastard stepchild that saved the Eight Air Force is published by Osprey Publishing and is available to order here.

Photo by U.S. Air Force

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