The story of the angled flight deck and the photos of this famous F-8 crash landing on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt - Aviation Wings The story of the angled flight deck and the photos of this famous F-8 crash landing on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt - Aviation Wings

The story of the angled flight deck and the photos of this famous F-8 crash landing on USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

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The photos of this famous F-8 crash landing on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt prove that an angled deck is better than the straight one.

Taken on Oct. 21, 1961, the photos in this post show a Vought F-8 Crusader from the Red Rippers of Fighter Squadron 11 (VF-11) snapping a main gear strut while landing aboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB-42). The magnesium strut ignited and the jet rolled off the end of the angled deck, but the pilot ejected at the last second using his Martin Baker F5A ejection seat and survived the mishap uninjured.

Martin Baker used these photos in a very successful campaign.

Noteworthy these well-known photos show why the angled deck is better than the straight one.

The angled deck was one of the three improvements to aircraft carrier design conceived by the Royal Navy that made fast-jet operations both possible and safe. The idea of canting or skewing the landing area to port of the ship’s centreline had evolved from experiments with a rubber deck and Sea Vampire fighters without undercarriages in HMS Warrior in 1948. According to the Royal Australian Navy website, although the rubber deck itself proved impractical, the ‘skewed deck’ as it was called at first was seen as a very effective way of making arrested landings safer on existing, relatively small, flight decks.

The generation of jets planned for the 1950s was much heavier than their predecessors, had higher landing speeds, and would have needed most of the deck available to complete an arrested landing. The standard technique of centreline landings with a barrier to protect the deck park forward from aircraft that missed the wires was no longer tenable and, with little or no room for the deck park, the number of aircraft that could be operated was small.

Worse still; if the whole deck had to be clear for every landing, the number of aircraft operated at any one time would be low and the speed with which they could be recovered would be slow. The angled deck solved this dilemma by providing a landing runway that was longer than the portion of the deck aft of the existing barriers. The sum of the lengths of the landing and launch/parking areas was `greater than the length of the ship. Trials were carried out on an angled deck painted on HMS Triumph, on USS Antietam the first carrier actually fitted with a full-angled deck in 1953, and on HMS Centaur the first British angled deck carrier in 1954.

The trials were successful, so successful that every carrier navy moved to copy the idea quickly, led by the USN. Not only did the angled deck provide a longer runway in which the arrester wires could be moved nearer the center of the pitch to make landing easier in bad weather but other advantages soon became apparent. There was no longer a need for a barrier since, with clear deck space ahead of the wires, an aircraft that missed the wires, known as a ‘bolter’, could open the throttle to go round for another circuit.

The area to the starboard runway gave clear parking space for a number of aircraft, allowing rapid multiple aircraft recoveries and a deck park for refueling and re-arming.

Although simple in concept, the conversion of existing carriers to have angled decks involved structural alterations, loss of the armament, and aerials mounted on the port beam. The arrester wire machinery had to be re-aligned to lie athwart the angled deck. Once the new structure was installed, it provided useful volume for mess decks and machinery.

Three new aircraft carriers joined their respective fleets in 1955 with all three British improvements to carrier flying. They were HMS Ark Royal in February, USS Forrestal in October, and HMAS Melbourne (II) in November.

USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

Photo by PH2 L. J. Cera / U.S. Navy

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