Home » The F-4G Wild Weasel during Operation Desert Storm dodged six SAMs in a matter of seconds

The F-4G Wild Weasel during Operation Desert Storm dodged six SAMs in a matter of seconds

by Till Daisd
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F 4G Weasels day

“I looked in the direction of the launch indication on the scope and saw a sight I’d never hoped to see. SA-2 missiles were headed towards us!” Jim Schreiner, former F-4G Wild Weasel pilot

The F-4G Wild Weasel was a modified F-4E fighter carrying AN/APR-47 electronic warfare equipment in place of the gun. Its goal was to take out surface-to-air missile (SAM) air defense radars, among other enemy air defenses. In order to serve this unique role, 116 F-4Es were converted into F-4Gs.

Three active wings received deployments of F-4Gs. One was deployed to USAFE (U.S. Air Forces in Europe) at Spangdahlem Air Base (AB), Germany; the other to PACAF (Pacific Air Forces) at Clark AFB, Philippines; and one was stationed at George Air Force Base (AFB), Victorville, California, as a member of the Rapid Deployment Force.

For Operation Desert Storm in 1991, F-4Gs from George AFB and Spangdahlem AB were sent to Shaikh Isa AB, Bahrain. The F-4G was the only aircraft in the USAF inventory at the time that was outfitted for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) duty, and it successfully shielded strike packages from Iraqi air defenses throughout the fight.

The incredible story of the F-4G Wild Weasel that dodged 6 SAMs in few seconds During Operation Desert Storm

Brick Eisel, a former USAF officer, and Jim Schreiner, a former F-4G pilot from the 561st Tactical Fighter Squadron at George AFB who flew the aircraft during Desert Storm, describe an exciting F-4G sortie flown to protect a B-52 strike package carrying out a bombing mission over Iraq in their book Magnum! the Wild Weasels in Desert Storm.

On the night of January 19, 1991, Schreiner and his passenger Dan Sharp were piloting the second ship of a four-ship flight with the call sign Longhorn 31 that was being led by Major Steve “Teach” Jenni and Captain Mark “Gucci” Buccigrossi, an EWO. Schreiner was Longhorn 32. As Eisel explains, “The mission for the flight was to provide direct support for a cell of Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses dropping some fifty-four bombs weighing 750 lb each on the dug-in positions of one of Saddam’s vaunted Republican Guard armored divisions.

The B-52, nicknamed since its Vietnam days as the ‘BUFF’, for Big Ugly Fat Fucker, had paid a fearsome toll to North Vietnamese SA-2s in the earlier conflict. Planners for Desert Storm wanted to ensure things went better for this fight. The Longhorn flight would go in ahead of the BUFFs and target and kill the SA-2s and any other SAM that had the altitude range to reach the bombers in their high 30,000 feet track. It was a high priority, do-or-die mission for the Weasels.”

Noteworthy, since their F-4G experienced a failure to its digital ARN-101 navigation system during the previous sortie, Schreiner and Sharp had to switch two spare aircraft, a procedure that delayed their and Jenni and Buccigrossi’s takeoff. Schreiner remembers: “3 & 4 were long gone, and lead, tired of waiting for us, decided to take off without us. I could tell he was pissed because as he taxied by, he twirled his hand above his helmet, telling us to hurry up. At the time, he didn’t realize we were on our third jet. Sweating profusely by this time, I rapidly completed the preflight and got the jet running. Fortunately, everything worked, and we were out of the chocks in record time. I called the tower for take-off clearance and was told to wait for three aircraft to land. The last one was an emergency and might take the barrier and close the runway. Luckily, he didn’t, and we were off, but twenty minutes late. I proceeded to the tanker as fast as the Phantom would go without using the afterburner—about 540 knots groundspeed. Not bad considering a 50-knot headwind and all the shit we were carrying [besides the HARM missiles, the aircraft had three 1,000 gallons of external fuel tanks]. It was a little sporty at the tanker with him flying in and out of a cloud layer. The fact that I was a little nervous didn’t make it any easier. After taking a full load of fuel, we proceeded directly to the target area.”

Schreiner and Sharp made their target time and rejoined the flight. Then, as Eisel explains, “at about 0207, Buccigrossi detected an SA-2 in search mode short of the BUFFs’ intended target. Needing to deal with this threat but not wanting to strip all Weasel coverage from the bombers, he directed Longhorn 31 and 32 to deal with this problem.”

Said Buccigrossi “We picked up the SA-2’s signal—first in search mode and then rapidly switch to targeting. We then pickled a HARM at it.”

Schreiner’s view of the event was: “At the TOT for the BUFFs, we saw many explosions on the ground as they salvoed. At the same time, we picked a ‘2 bar’ on the SA-2 from the APR-47 [‘2 bar’ was shorthand for saying the system had picked up strong, reliable indications of an SA-2D/E SAM, an improved version of the original SA-2]. It went from range unknown to range known to track indications to a firing indication in about as much time as it takes to read this sentence. Lead said he was working the signal so we didn’t shoot, although, in retrospect, we should have because it was the only chance we’d have.”

Buccigrossi continues his part of the story: “We were at medium altitude at around 350 knots. There was a cloud base around 1,800-2000 feet AGL [Above Ground Level]. We picked up an orange glow below the cloud deck at nine o’clock. Popping through the undercast, we saw two SA-2s tracking toward us. Teach and I both saw them, so as he rolled the jet, I put out the chaff and hit the switches for the ECM pod. Both missiles continued towards our six o’clock but climbed while we descended fairly rapidly. I watched the missiles explode behind us.”

The incredible story of the F-4G Wild Weasel that dodged 6 SAMs in few seconds During Operation Desert Storm

The Longhorn flight was allegedly targeted again just seconds after avoiding the first pair of SAMs, according to Eisel. The second pair of missiles were arcing toward Longhorn 31 from their two o’clock position. Once more, they managed to avoid the SAMs by sacrificing height and airspace to get away from the warheads. The F-4G was not harmed when the missiles, which were guided to explode slightly behind them, detonated.

Buccigrossi continues: “Immediately after those two exploded, we saw the third set on our left side, so away we went again, down and around, to avoid these guys. The missiles couldn’t turn hard enough to stay with us, so for the third time in about ninety seconds, they tracked behind us and exploded. The good news was that in less than two minutes, we’d avoided six SAMs and made that site shoot his whole wad, so they wouldn’t be able to shoot again at the BUFFs until they’d reloaded, and that would take them too long. The bad news was that with all our turning and burning, we’d dropped down into the AAA range. I looked down at our gauges and saw that we were below 10,000 feet and under 300 knots. I told Teach to climb or speed up and he said, ‘I’m working on it’.”

From Schreiner’s cockpit: “I looked in the direction of the launch indication on the scope and saw a sight I’d never hoped to see. SA-2 missiles were headed toward us! I immediately selected AB [afterburner], rolled the aircraft inverted, and pulled. All this while keeping the SA-2s on the beam. I was at 25,000 [feet] when I started for the deck and leveled at about 10,000. It was a standard maneuver we’d practiced in training but, for safety reasons, weren’t allowed to try at night – amazing how physics and the airplane work the same at night as during the day. As I did this, I told Dan to hit the chaff and ECM pod. Apparently, the combination of all three did the trick, because one by one, I watched them arc harmlessly away and self-destruct at the end of their lives. After we avoided the SAMs, I rolled level and saw a blue glow outside. Our -47 wasn’t showing any threats, so I couldn’t figure out what the glow was. Then I realized I was still in the afterburner, and the glow was the flames from my engines. What a perfect advertisement for our position! So I pulled the throttles back and started climbing so we could work that site again.”

The incredible story of the F-4G Wild Weasel that dodged 6 SAMs in few seconds During Operation Desert Storm
An air-to-air left side view of two F-4G Wild Weasel aircraft at sunset during Operation Desert Shield.

Due to the fact that Longhorn 31 was only carrying one tank and had used a lot of gas to dodge the six SAMs, they were unable to stay. Returning to base, they flew straight south into Saudi Arabia, stopped at a base, grabbed fuel, and then took off again for Sheikh Isa.

After taking the spare equipped with three tanks, Schreiner and Sharp had additional gas and continued to stay in the area long after the B-52s left in an effort to locate the SA-2 position that had so spectacularly captured their attention. At or about 03:15, they landed at Sheikh Isa.

The incredible story of the F-4G Wild Weasel that dodged 6 SAMs in few seconds During Operation Desert Storm

Major Steve Jenny and Captain Mark Buccigrossi, who were serving at the time, received the Silver Star, the third-highest honor bestowed by the U.S. military for valor in the face of the enemy, for their efforts in defending the B-52s and dodging the six SA-2s in those brief moments.

Photo by U.S. Air Force

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