Home » A former US Navy F-14 pilot recalls odd UFO sightings while flying the Tomcat

A former US Navy F-14 pilot recalls odd UFO sightings while flying the Tomcat

by Till Daisd
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UFO sightings

Have you ever wondered what odd objects pilots see in the sky?

With a unique vantage point and have reported seeing a variety of strange sightings, such as drones, geoglyphs, and… UFOs.

There have been reports of sightings of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) throughout history. There is growing interest in figuring out what these sighting reports mean, both because of scientific curiosity and the possible security and safety issues they pose.

Pilots have reported seeing UFOs for decades, according to Doyle Borchers, a former US Navy F-14 Tomcat test pilot, on Quora, sightings of UFOs typically feature objects flying in a formation or bright lights.

A string of lights

‘Once as an F-14 test pilot flying a night mission returning from White Sands range in New Mexico to NAS Pt Mugu. The weather was bad in Mugu so we were diverted to NAS Miramar in San Diego. We were at 24,000 ft and both my Radar Officer and I saw a string of lights well below us on what we thought was the desert floor, but they continued to follow us at almost 500kts. As we turned, the lights followed us, and finally, after about 10 minutes, they broke off and departed. I wanted to make a report, but my RIO wouldn’t back me up.’

He continues;

‘Second one was when I was flying an F-14 from Palma/Majorca to RNAS Yeovilton for an airshow back in 1976. Both my RIO and I saw a bright silver disk well above our altitude of 35,000ft. I would guess it was at about 70,000ft. It moved very quickly from our 10 o’clock high position to 3 o’clock, and I mean like a flash, and then was out of sight.’

Borchers concludes;

‘No doubt in my mind that UFOs are real.’

Photo by Capt. Dana Potts / U.S. Navy and US DoD

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