Home » Minot B-52 Stratofortness bombers are deployed for combat operations

Minot B-52 Stratofortness bombers are deployed for combat operations

by Till Daisd
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B 52H Crew

In support of U.S. Central Command’s Operation Inherent Resolve, the 23rd Bomber Squadron delivered several B-52s to the Middle East

The interesting pictures in this post depict a B-52H Stratofortress crew from Minot Air Force Base (AFB), North Dakota, completing a training flight in close air support (CAS) scenario in anticipation of aiding Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) on January 31, 2017, in the airspace above North Dakota.

More than 400 Airmen from the 5th Bomb Wing (BW) recently deployed to the Middle East in support of U.S. Central Command’s Operation Inherent Resolve, according to Senior Airman Justin Armstrong of the 5th Bomb Wing Public Affairs in his article 5th Bomb Wing Members Deploy in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. This will be the first time in 12 years that aircraft from Minot AFB has deployed in support of combat operations, as the 23rd Bomb Squadron (BS) sent several B-52H Stratofortresses to take over daily operations.

According to Capt. Erik Nelson, commander of the 23rd BS B-Flight, the unit undertook a rigorous spin-up strategy before this deployment. Additionally, they made use of the mission-related lessons they picked up from the 20th and 96th Bomb Squadrons, who have deployed to and are presently operating in the U.S. CENTCOM area of responsibility.

“I couldn’t think of a better squadron to deploy with,” pointed out Nelson, who will undertake combat operations for the first time. “I think I can speak for the entire squadron when I say we are well-prepared and ready.”

When conducting combat operations out of the Middle East, the 23rd will command the 5th BW.

“The Bomber Barons are 100 percent ready,” said Lt. Col. Michael Maginness, 23rd BS commander. “They are experts in the mission sets that they can expect to execute downrange.”

Notably, the 23rd BS will commemorate its 100th birthday during this deployment, according to Maginness.

“One of the greatest honors I can think of is serving your country in combat,” said Maginness. “I can think of no better way to cross the century mark, than answering our nation’s call – as the 23rd has been doing since 1917.”

The squadron was founded on June 16, 1917, at Kelly Field in Texas, making it one of the earliest in the United States Air Force (USAF). It participated in World War I as an aircraft repair squadron and deployed to England as a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. During the Cold War, the unit joined the Strategic Air Command (SAC) and participated in action during World War II.

The 23BS’s primary duty today is flying the Boeing B-52H Stratofortress long-range bomber. The squadron is ready to deploy and fly its B-52H aircraft at any time to implement national security policy by being able to instantly unleash devastating conventional or nuclear firepower to destroy targets anywhere in the world.

Photo by Senior Airman J.T. Armstrong / U.S. Air Force

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