Home » Video Apparently Shows the moment Ukrainian Boeing 737 Airliner is Shot Down by Iranian SAM

Video Apparently Shows the moment Ukrainian Boeing 737 Airliner is Shot Down by Iranian SAM

by Till Daisd
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Ukrainian Boeing 737 jetliner 1170x585 1

The Boeing 737 was apparently shot down by two Russian-made SA-15 surface-to-air missiles.

The video in this post appears to show a missile fired into the Tehran sky early Wednesday morning and striking an object in the sky. Around that time, a  Boeing 737-800 jetliner belonging to Ukraine International Airlines crashed shortly after takeoff.

As noted by #AW# contributor and world-famous modern military aviation author Tom Cooper “One can hear the airliner, one can see the SAM, the detonation, then hear both of these, and see the airliner going down… According to the poster [of the video], this was the SECOND SAM to hit the Ukrainian B737.”

Cooper was also the first to highlight that the Boeing 737 was apparently shot down by two Russian-made SA-15 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs).

“A pilot underway minutes behind the Ukrainian B737 says, from his POV, it was clear: either a bomb on board or shot down. The only force operating SA-15s in Iran – is the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps].”

The Ukrainian plane crashed just north of the suburb.

According to CNN the footage was obtained by Nariman Gharib and shows a light in the sky, moving left to right and then exploding. 

CNN has asked Gharib for more information about who took the video and how he obtained it but has not yet received a response.

The US increasingly believes that Irannmistakenly shot down the Ukrainian airliner, according to multiple US officials. The working theory is based on continuing analysis of data from satellites, radar, and electronic data collected routinely by the US military and intelligence. Thanks to the data the US was able to see Iranian radar signals lock onto the jetliner before it was shot down.

The flight was downed following Iranian strikes on US forces in Iraq.



#Иран: това видео се твърди, че показва украинският самолет, ударен от две ракети, каквато е в момента една от водещите версии за трагедията над Техеран. По останкате от самолета са открити шрапнели, а иранските власти все още не са предали черните кутии.

Posted by De Re Militari on Thursday, January 9, 2020

Photo by Ukraine International Airlines

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