Home » Watch this video featuring a C-5M Super Galaxy Experiencing Brake Fire at Oshkosh AirVenture 2019

Watch this video featuring a C-5M Super Galaxy Experiencing Brake Fire at Oshkosh AirVenture 2019

by Till Daisd
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C 5M Wheels Fire 1170x802 1

Taken last August at Oshkosh during AirVenture 2019 the interesting video in this post features the wheels of the C-5M Super Galaxy that took part in the air show taking fire after overheating brakes during landing.

Taken last August at Oshkosh during AirVenture 2019 the interesting video in this post features the wheels of the C-5M Super Galaxy that took part in the air show taking fire after overheating brakes during landing.

The issue, which was due to a leaky hydraulic line, was fixed in a few hours giving the mighty FRED the chance to fly back home safely.

Despite its massive size, the C-5 is able to operate on runways 6,000 feet long (1,829 meters), quite an impressive (especially for its size) capability.

The C-5 has a greater capacity than any other airlifter. It has the ability to carry 36 standard pallets and 81 troops simultaneously. The Galaxy is also capable of carrying any of the Army‘s air-transportable combat equipment, including such bulky items as the 74-ton mobile scissors bridge. Ground crews are able to load and offload the C-5 simultaneously at the front and rear cargo openings, reducing cargo transfer times. Other features of the C-5 are:
– Five sets of landing gear totaling 28 wheels to distribute weight
– Nose and aft doors that open the full width and height of the cargo compartment to permit faster and easier loading
– A “kneeling” landing gear system that permits lowering the parked aircraft to facilitate     drive-on/drive-off vehicle loading and adjusts the cargo floor to a standard truck-bed height
– Full-width drive-on ramps at each end for loading double rows of vehicles
– A maintenance diagnostics system that records and analyzes data from more than 800 (C-5A) and 7000 (C-5M) test points, reducing maintenance/repair time.

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